Entertaining our darker side

With All Saints Day we have moved into the period of our darker selves, which will end around May day when we move back into the light. Dark is not necessarily a pejorative term here, you could think of it as your inner self, your cave, your interior. The dark quality of this period is usually countered with the candles and lights you encounter in nearly everyone’s religious holidays during this season. But it’s also a good time to home in, and get squared away with your innards and now that we had a day to let our skeletons out of the closet, maybe giving that closet a good house cleaning is in order.

I spent Sunday in therapeutic thai yoga the counterpart to acrobatic yoga and afterwards, I felt like some inside things had shifted enough to the light, enough to make me want to continue the process.

This is our time for rest, repose, nesting, cocooning, and I’m looking forward to the coziness that the season offers.

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