In the land of home maintenance

So the columns have been sanded, sterilized to stop the mold that got in from the breakdown of the finish, and now the hardware has been replaced and the holes have been plugged. Don’t ask what this is going to cost.

Basically the design was to expose the metal hardware but in doing that the metal bolts created an open gateway into the wood and so removing the bolts we found everything had rusted meaning the moisture was getting in – certainly not helping the overall upkeep. So wood plugs were made and fitted into the columns and now the first finish coat has been applied. And honestly as much as this has been a real source of anxiety for me (along with the dry rot in the wood on the addition which I now understand, was too low a grade of cypress, galvanized nails weren’t used, the boards were not primed end to end and back and front BUT we are doing a patch rather than replace – this product that stops the rot and seals the wood and then you just sand and paint), driving up and seeing the beautiful mahogany columns today made me stop and say Yay!


2 Responses to “In the land of home maintenance”

  1. Alice Says:

    Oh the joys of maintaining a home! Always something else that needs fixing.

  2. Rachel Says:

    I envy those enlightened people that seem to be detached from all material possessions and after losing my favorite (if not singularly best dress I have ever owned) dress to the drycleaners f/u the other day I know I can live without them BUT a home – only once in a lifetime does a person get to have a home, not a house, but a home, and the LaLa is that for me in spades, and it has become that for Tatjana and it definitely is becoming that for Tin – let’s not count the freeloading animals – but you have to start putting things in perspective (btw I lost it for a few days, weeks there) and say that this is the sacrifice to waking up every morning and looking outside to the bayou, and you have to say that my neighbor’s sacrificing one Saints game to keep Hurricane Richard at bay is worth it, and so on and so on.

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