Get down from the table

I remember about ten years ago I was speaking to some girlfriends in Marin County, California and I said something about dancing on the table and one said, “Wow, I haven’t danced on a table since I was in college.” And I thought, yeah, well that’s why I have to get out of this town.

Flash forward a decade and last night as the mint juleps were flowing causing a bunch of 70 year olds to get up and shake their booty to early Motown by the New Orleans Mystics – I was abstaining because my cup of tea was calling me homeward. This morning, as I woke up all refreshed and ready to greet the day, I was walking the dogs to the park and a few houses down a cab pulled up and a slight young boy got out and then he basically unfolded a still inebriated young girl from the backseat. It was 6:30am and they were just arriving home.

Alas, this old mare ain’t what she used to be but perhaps that’s a good thing.

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