Read the book

We went to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo last night in the recently remodeled Canal Place Theaters (very fancy by the way). I’d say it was hard to judge the movie given what we knew going in. I run into this sometimes when I’m speaking to a friend or acquaintance who happened to have read my blog and I’m repeating a story or thought. It sort of loses it’s immediacy and luster told twice in two different ways. The books were so engrossing and the movie, well, I’m not sure if so much of the wonderful detail that brought those characters to life was really there. Lisbeth still doesn’t look like what I imagined – a frail willow wisp of a girl who kicks ass. The actress who plays Lisbeth looks more like a butch lesbian. Blomquist is sexier than I imagined from the book although his sex appeal is so understated which makes it even more intriguing how gals are falling into his bed left and right.

No rush for me to see the next movie versions as I feel like I like the story I own in my head rather than the one they are retelling to me on the big screen.

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