Little man has a fever

Boo hoo is all I have to say. Tin came down with a fever and I could tell by the look in his eyes this morning that something was not right. He had slanty eyes but not sleeping, not fussy, but off and sure enough he caught a virus from the birthday party he was at on Saturday. Germ bus – other kids are germ buses!

2 Responses to “Little man has a fever”

  1. Alice Says:

    This is one of the baddies of being a mom! Slowly their resistance to bugs grows though, and it gets better. We just went through all this again living near the grandkids as we do. So it does get better.

  2. Rachel Says:

    I know it is good for him to have the exposure but he was this little whimpering and at some points sobbing little boy and it just broke my heart.

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