On the 8th day of Hanukkah, my true love gave to me eight maids a-milking

What could that ever mean? Tonight, I am only milking wine and maybe winning some money at a game or two of dreidel. After a week, not unlike many weeks in 2006, it’s Friday, it’s New Orleans, so it’s off to Swirl to be with my friends and bring cheer into our little worlds.

Next year, the time changes are going to be earlier then later because a new law passed about daylight’s savings time. So there will be more light in our life in 2007. For tonight though, on the winter solstice, we will light my seven menorahs with 9 candles each as it is the eighth day of Hanukkah and we’ll create light where there is none.

I have made my world, and it is a lot better than the one they had prescribed for me. Hallelujah! Joy to the world. And to me.

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