You think too much

Friends recently went to therapy and were told they are too much in their head. I’ve had similar comments come across my table most of my life – you think too much. As if there was a natural and safe amount of thoughts you should be having at any particular time. They found out today that matter trumps antimatter – I’m saying I learned this at Trump the high rise beach hotel – but when you are at Trump and you find yourself lost in thought on work and nonwork, you start to think that maybe there is something to not thinking, and of being alone too much, about thinking without collaboration, about acting without consultation.

Is it possible to think too much?

Yesterday, something bubbled up on its own volition and became something. Something that I could get behind without thinking about it, because it is just the right thing to do in the sense that it is the thing that makes the most sense.

To forget oneself is to be happy.

—Robert Louis Stevenson

Today I will forget about myself as an individual
and pay attention to and appreciate the world around me.

2 Responses to “You think too much”

  1. Alice Says:

    You know I’ve often asked myself the very same question. Sometimes I’m sure I live inside my head too much. I think it’s good if we all accept your line about “today” and really appreciate–as you say–the world and people around us.

  2. Rachel Says:

    It’s a minefield in my head, somedays it feels like I’m tip toeing through the tulips and others it is like I’m under an oil spill. I think spending most of my life without a child or without a larger cause to take me away from myself, I begin to think everything I know is everything – and that’s what needs to be disrupted.

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