Will the circle be unbroken?

The after party was at Swirl last night after the Fest; we walked through the Liuzza crowd, and then passed the Boombox DJ on the truck and headed down Ponce de Leon to hear Johnny J playing surf guitar. Fabulous, nothing like dancing to Wipe Out with your son in a pack. There was a clown doing balloons for the kids. At one point, a friend ordered a Pinot Noir and said, she needed change to tip the clown. Now that’s New Orleans and an after party!

When we walked up no one was dancing but in minutes the street was packed with everyone getting down to Johnny J’s guitar.

The great thing is that when I was graduating from college, I and three friends went in together to hire Johnny J and the Hit Man for our graduation party that we held at Monster’s Bar down the street from the F&M. We danced our ass off that night and I’m still dancing to him.


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