French Quarter Fest

Despite there being so many groups I wanted to see at French Quarter Fest, it has been one of those weekends, the kind where you take one baby step forward and about ten sideways. We had vouched to go to Gal Holiday and then to Astral Project, but alas, even those have eluded us because the truth is you can’t make a plan. We get up and we start the day and we just start gaging every next half hour increment.

Tin decided for the last two days to just not eat anything. I know, I know, you can’t force food but it is a little alarming when he refuses everything. Today I was starting to get a little miffed with the whole enterprise so when he turned down yet another good meal, I took him for a walk in the Ergobaby and we went to the sculpture garden which was recently reopened in City Park.

He was a talking fool, just pointing and talking and reading the little bronze signs. One sign had bird poop on it and he kept rubbing his finger in it, but as soon as I told him not to, that became the object of his desire and he ran to each sign looking for guano to rub his finger in. We have entered the terrible twos!

He found his way to Blue Dog and sat under it until another little girl went and joined him and they both found sticks and tried to poke each other’s eyes out but luckily they didn’t. The other mother said her daughter was two years old and had started acting willful at one and it had gotten worse each month to the point where she said you just have to laugh to keep from going crazy.

When we got home everyone was napping, so we read some books and then took a nice bath and had a bottle and he slept for almost two hours. When he got up he ate a big bowl of chicken and dumplings that I had made earlier. Finally!

So no live music today but a little bit of hot food in my son’s belly.

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