A kiss to wow us

The days are becoming a cliche – Sunday anticipation and now Monday bam – forest fire erupts of Western proportions. Had the big pow wow this morning with senior people in company after C broadcast a note that was supposed to be for senior mgt only about the shape of the company. We’re down 10% in revenue but while some believe we are in a cyclical downturn and will emerge stronger in the transition – C’s message was we are all going to hell in handbasket if we continue with the status quo and anyone who wants to continue status quo should think about leaving. It is his dark evil twin Skippy who re-emerged after a two year hiatus or maybe he is off the meds – whatever it is he is taking the train to negative town and calling “all aboard.” Two of my colleagues IM’d during the call to say they are quitting. And so Monday begins with a bang.

S called on her way back from her love tryst getaway with M to say she’s not sure about it all because she just doesn’t have the sexual chemistry that is needed to make it work. Ah that old chestnut – all we ask is for the kiss to rock our world and when it comes then you become dog-like, puppy-like nipping at his heels. I want S to have wow, if not with M, then with someone because she should and hasn’t had it since Sh and it’s been a tremendously long dry spell for a girl like her. Not all dry – there have been moments here and there – but while some have come close none have offered the wow and the wow is of the utmost importance in making it all worthwhile.

“Try to stay passionate, leave your cool to constellations. Passion, above all, is a remedy against boredom.” Joseph Brodsky

Sometimes when things are going sideways, all it takes is a little kiss to right things. S calls herself a serial kisser but there needs to be lips to kiss and miss. There is just no way you can think this into happening – it isn’t one of those can do type endeavors – chemistry is everything and it exists or doesn’t and that is the frailty or glory of love.

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