Channeling your sexual energy

A friend stopped by the other day to visit Tin and was commenting on how handsome he is. My friend is handsome too. I said well I hope he doesn’t do like you – meaning this guy was a player for all of his life. And he said, “You know I’m sick of that tag, all my friends talk about me being a player, but I’m not anymore.” And I asked him point blank, how to instill in my son the notion of respect, particularly for women. He’s cute now, but let’s say he keeps growing up getting cuter and he’s charming now, and let’s say he keeps getting more charming – I don’t want him using these assets as sexual currency that in the end proves to be nothing more than disrespectful.

He said channel his energy into sports. I say music. But channeling is a good thing. My friend said his son never watched a cartoon in his life because he was at swim practice and was a swimmer all the way through college. Now he has a fancy job with Apple and a steady girlfriend.

Just because you could doesn’t mean you should. That is a lesson I wish to impart to my son today. BEAUTY IS AS BEAUTY DOES. My mother told me that repeatedly and it’s not just a worn out adage, it is true.

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