A day, part two

Mom won a bike in a raffle. Since she’s not going to ride it and I wanted a spare for visitors, I told her I’d take it. The hitch was I had to drive to Raceland to get it. When mom evacuated with her patients during Katrina, she slept on a floor with 20 of the 120 rerouted to a facility in Houma. The nursing home was in Harahan and it was destroyed. So the patients were parcelled out to different homes. A lot of hers wound up in Raceland, so when they asked her to be Director of Nursing there, ney, they begged her, she took the job. That means she drives every day 45 minutes into the middle of nowhere.

I arrived there flipping back and forth on both sides of the bayou trying to find out which side the nursing home was on. The entire staff at the nursing home was on the phone with me at any given time guiding me in. To say I was a little shell shocked is an understatement – my mom is going to be 71 years old in December. Why she chooses to drive 45 minutes to get to a home where 115 drooling nutty as a fruit cake elderly people troll the halls in wheel chairs or cling to the rails that go down the halls is something I will never understand.

Ms. Pat. Ms. Pat. We love Ms. Pat – the choir sang.

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