The organic child

Every time I think we have nailed a schedule with Tin, it shifts slightly. Since he’s growing, his needs are changing daily. Now that he is walking, he burns more energy. But when he is overtired now, he is way overtired. And naps – well we read that he only needs one long nap a day but he still wants to go down for three naps so we haven’t exactly left behind the infant napping schedule and we aren’t quite on the toddler napping schedule, instead we are on Tin’s schedule which is organic and it jogs to the left when you were expecting right and then swerves to the right when you were anticipating left – this is why it is near impossible to plan anything or show up on time. So you might as well just give up trying and roll with it.

A friend was here the other day and I was lamenting this schedule thing to her and she said, “When I was pregnant every time I had gotten used to what was happening, it would change, and a friend told me that was to prepare me for parenthood because that is what is like – constantly evolving and changing and you can never pin down anything.”

2 Responses to “The organic child”

  1. Cassie Says:

    i am ashamed to say that i used to secretly judge parents who were always late or “didnt know if they could make it.” how hard could getting one child out the door be? wow–karma got me there:) and congrats on T being the legal mom now. so happy for your family!

  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks Cassie – I am going through the same thing – like wow for my colleagues who were always juggling their children against the demands of our job and travel and wow how did you manage to get all of them dressed, you dressed and get out the door? I just read someone’s resume where they listed parenthood as part of their cv – I like that idea and it speaks volumes to how demanding the job is.

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