Waking up on the wrong side of the bed

There is a saying in Croatia that you stepped out of bed on your left foot, it is the equivalent of saying you woke on the wrong side of the bed. Last night we went to two parties – and put Tin to sleep in a pack and play at the second, but by 11:00, we had already all turned into pumpkins so we came home and all went to bed to the sounds of text messages on our phones and firecrackers and fire on the bayou. Oh well. Happy New Year!

This morning at breakfast turned into a test in how much drama one little 9 month old can communicate. I HATE PEARS. I HATE THE CEREAL I HAVE ALWAYS HAD. I HATE AVOCADO EVEN THOUGH I LIKED IT BEFORE! And so we started trying to figure it out. This is the third day in a row of bad breakfasts. And so is he full? Is he testing us? Is he bored? (he looks bored so we gave him more finger food – doesn’t help).

While he went down for his first nap of the day, I came upstairs to research what to do. First site I found was an oldie but goodie – Dr. Sears. I have read Dr. Sears before and believe that he offers valuable advice, but these tips seemed for older children.

A friend with three kids said don’t sweat eating, “My child has gone for days on just one Tablespoon of Mac N Cheese.”

But what about learning that drama is not the way to act? How about the lessons that just because you don’t want to even try it doesn’t mean you have to go into a version of Nightmare on Elm’s Street. Truth is we don’t know what we are doing. My method has been to entertain the hell out of him and T’s method has been to be the enforcer – neither are working. Today we tried putting his finger food on the tray and ignoring him and he YELLED for a good amount of time.

So THANK GOD for the internet – here was another good site about 10 month olds refusing to eat. The lay of the land is that they are either picky, wanting to feed themselves, or whatever it is – this too shall pass. So there is some giving them food they can eat, some ignoring, and some riding it out.

What did my mother do without the internet? Because although friends are good and long on advice, I’m not totally in agreement with their methods, so getting a wider network of mothers and experts chiming in on what to do in any sort of situation is powerful and super helpful.

4 Responses to “Waking up on the wrong side of the bed”

  1. Cassie Says:

    dont forget teething. he’s at the age. mine would get picky, i’d worry, and then a tooth would appear.

  2. Rachel Says:

    He is teething – his bottom teeth look a little crooked but one is almost out and the other is coming. I gave him a toasted bagel today and he was definitely more content gnawing on it then he has been.

  3. Cassie Says:

    chilled banana chunks also help. i see so many of my thoughts echoed in your words about Tin and your journey to having him in your arms. it’s worth every step. i wish you every bit of the joy that i have experienced with my beautiful son-it only gets better with each day. happy new year from your blog fan in the isle of denial 🙂

  4. Rachel Says:

    Definitely going to try the chilled chunks – not frozen right? – we are doing so much better at feed time!!! Happy new year to you and your family!

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