Making room for baby

I remember when mom was in the hospital she kept making a circular motion in the bed and telling the nurses she was making room for the baby. And she was. She left a big space in my life that a baby is filling up.

In the meantime, everyone at the LaLa stopped their swirling motion of making room for a baby when the baby actually showed up – Gadzooks! It is quite amazing how much time one little 9-month old can absorb in a 24 hour period. To think we have a 9-month old, one who eats and sleeps pretty regularly, one is generally good natured, and we don’t have time to even read our horoscope around here.

How do parents do it? How do single parents do it? I remember a single mother of one little boy telling me she would dread the weekends because she wouldn’t have day care and she knew she had to do it all alone. The guilt that ate at her was enormous.

Babies make a big splash in your life. I knew to expect radical change, but even so, it is more than radical, it is rocking our world – all good – I mean I could just sit and play patty cake all day with him or even stare at the monitor and watch him sleep. But the time allotment for life’s other pleasures shrinks to nil. That’s why you need someone who has a more balanced view on things – like T – she’s a Libra – to give you perspective and to make sure everything is measured.

It takes more than one parent to raise a child. Of that I’m sure.

One Response to “Making room for baby”

  1. Alice Says:

    Ain’t that the truth!? I cannot imagine raising a child alone. You need all the support you can get.

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