A beautiful day on the bayou

Besides being awakened at the wee hours to see if I knew a judge who could get a friend of a friend out of Central Lockup – the day started brightly – I love sleeping with the windows open and breathing real air.

Rode my bike uptown to work out and then over to Ricca’s to get hinges for all the rest of the doors being hung at the LaLa. No brass hinges – they were all under water and they said it would take at least a few weeks to polish them and get them up to snuff. So got the iron hinges – 28 of them – and they were so heavy they made me list and then eventually the box fell through the bag and so I had to put the box down my tight bike shorts and hold them to my stomach as I drove them to the LaLa.

Half the doors will have iron, half have the old brass, and god knows I still need to find a metal door knob for the metal door upstairs that has caused so much angst amongst K and S.

L, man of mystery, recommended changing out all the hardware on the doors and that is definitely on the list – but right now it’s on the “manana” list. BTW – speaking of man of mystery, my horoscope this morning said this – (btw these horoscopes are getting more and more esoteric):

“Life is more intense as impulsive Mars entered mysterious Scorpio yesterday along with the Sun, and today sensual Venus joins the emotional dance. This signifies a shift of power from the obvious realms of diplomacy and negotiation (Libra) into the deeper and more hidden world of Scorpio.”

Not even sure what that means, for me anyway, but what caught my eye is that Scorpio is deemed mysterious – much like man of mystery – who is a Scorpio – hmmm – and also its public knowledge that yesterday “the realms of diplomacy and negotiation” certainly elluded me.

La di da – it is a beautiful day today and the week is only going to get better. The siding is almost done on the addition. The shower wall is just about built. The metal door may need an overhang because it doesn’t appear to be as waterproof as it should. M is there painting. C’s phone is disconnected so I can’t get in touch with him to fix some of the shower tiles. P has been MIA since he was thinking he was going to get rich from the LRA (Louisiana Recovery Authority) but S thinks he will be sorely disappointed and be back on the job shortly – he is painting the exterior.

J came by yesterday and fixed the rusty nail streaks along the large mahogany window frames in the front. And he polished up the wood again so they look good as new.

K apologized for being an asshole. I apologized for being a bitch.

There it is. Another day in Wonderland, RachelLand, LaLaLand.

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