Oh thank heaven for little boys

A friend across the bayou came by and gave me her Moby to walk Tin around in, it almost simulates them being in your belly and it holds him real close to me which is a feeling I love. We went out for a walk to hear the wind chimes under the large oak tree by the big lake in City Park. The weather was delightful (not frightful) and Loca came with us. We stood under the chimes and listened to their music in the gentle breeze and Tin looked up at the huge hanging chimes and I looked down at him and I felt like I was having an out of body experience. Magical.


We walked around the big lake, rounded the sculpture garden, and in back of the musuem Tin started falling asleep so Loca and I continued on our merry way as usual but went to see the new big lawn that has been put in with bench swings and thick palms all around the perimeter. As we crossed over to the playground by the lagoon, we ran into an old friend and I sat to chat and watch the children play while Tin slept on my chest.

Then I saw the first boy that I ever fell in love with and my heart soared to see him. He’s 10 now, and tall like a reed, and has the same soulful eyes. I introduced Tin, my son, and then Loca, Tin and I made our way home to the bayou, to the LaLa, to our life that is now, but I watched in my mind’s eye the part of my life that was then and as we walked I told Tin something that I have learned – that life is short, but it is oh so wide.

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