Pyromania works for me

I took the photograph of the family we met in South Carolina and set it on fire this morning. While I was watching it burn on the front brick path of the LaLa, a bird pooped on my shoulder.

Now here is a couple of things I know:

1) Burning photographs or even effigies of people who have maligned me makes me happy. Take my ex whatever he was who used his child to seduce me. Effigy material loud and clear. You can see me burning his likeness off the Magnolia Bridge in this photograph.


2) When a bird poops on you it is good luck. I was at the wailing wall in Israel and I was sticking a little prayer note in the wall when a bird pooped on the prayer book I was holding in my hand. It just so happened to be opened to the passage that reads, “Thank you God for not making me a woman…” After that I quit reading anything in that book.

There are a lot of scam artists in the world who will dangle children in front of you because they know you are vulnerable. There are also lots of birds who’d love nothing more than to poop on you. What you have to do in life is figure out how this can work for you. Burning photographs makes idiots disappear who have annoyed you. Accepting bird poop as a good omen is better than simply being shat on.

To thy own self be true, I was saying as one of the morning dog walkers called to me from the bayou. “What are you doing over there?” and then he walked over thinking that a bird had fallen off the wire and he saw my photograph all rolled up and burning. “Oh,” he said, unsure of what to say next. I said, I’m burning the photograph of the family who scammed us on an adoption.

He backed away slowly and said, “Well I hope you have better luck next time. You are going to try again right?”

I said, “Dunno. Right now, I’m done.” Then I went inside.

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