The human touch

Yesterday when we were visiting my mom I drew the privacy curtain between her and her new roommate. But while we were chatting with my mom, the woman was moaning in pain. I called the nurse who came in briefly to assist her, but then when she left the woman was pathetically moaning and so I went over there and rubbed her legs and said, “It’s alright” and that seemed to calm her down. She reached for my hand and I held it. Then after some time, T came over and took my place so that I could visit with mom. T engaged the woman in talking about the photos that were up of her grandchildren.

Later when Hortense was doing mom’s respiratory therapy, T asked her if she found it difficult working there and she said, “Yes, because you get close to patients and most of the time the outlook is not good.”


2 Responses to “The human touch”

  1. Alice Says:

    T has to be a special person to have done that. It says a lot about her.

  2. Rachel Says:

    From watching my friend’s daughter in the hospital to now my mom – if I had more altruism in me I would just be someone who went and sat with these people during their roughest moments. My grandmother used to go rock babies at the hospital when she was in her 70s.

    And yes, it does say a lot about T.

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