The difference between

The difference between a good day and a bad day is attitude. And that is certainly the case here. We played hooky from Tai Chi last night and watched instead two episodes of Mad Men, and I read (engrossed) more of The Girl Who Played With Fire (both were great entertainment and a good way to take my mind off of things).

I woke this morning before the bells of Our Lady of the Cross were clanging and stared at the darkness. Anxiety started to raise its ugly head and I just sat there thinking and calming myself down. It would all be okay.

Loca and I walked towards the park with dawn breaking on the other side of the bayou and as we made our turn around Big Lake we noticed that they had hung about four big wind chimes in the large oak that were making a wonderful sound in the breeze and then I noticed they had planted satsuma trees around this structure by the lake.

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