The Muse

Woke up from a restless sleep with last night’s musing on my mind – hot and cold – at times it winds to a perfect pitch and then a nuance can derail the flow. So seldom to enter sleep with a smile but delightful when it does happen. Yesterday I laughed a lot, which fits neatly into the five year goal to be happy every day. Maybe the long term plan is about fitting the Muse in more regularly and maybe, just maybe, that is not too far fetched an idea.

Subtitle: Take the poison pill:
Mom called the adminstrator and told him she’d like to meet with him, she wants to narc on the ADON who spent three hours putting in hair extensions last Saturday instead of working. She also wants to point out all the twist that goes on in the courtyard by the nursing assistants. I told her to keep a low profile – besides it’s not hurting the patients. Oh indeed it is, she told me. They are not getting the level of care because no one is around to give it to them. It’s like a real bad day care center – warehoused children, warehoused elderly. I need to find the poison pill and keep it close for when my time comes.

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