Is this a darker period yy? Let’s take the seasonality out of it

Okay, a friend whose summer started with a distant relative throwing herself from a window said she was wondering if this summer is worse than last when she had three relatives die in a row and spent her summer vacation going from one funeral to the next. I ask myself the same question – why does it seem as if I turn to the right and my friend went home to check in on her parents and ended up with both of them in the hospital and her dear aunt dying. And then I look to the left and my friend lost her son suddenly. And then I look to the news and celebrities are dropping like flies – and then I look to my mom and I am trying to figure out if my selfish desire to see her alive is worth the hell she is living right now which basically looks like it doesn’t get much better either as let’s just say she gets off the vent and then what, she has to learn how to walk again, breathe again and even swallow and they want her to do all of this within the confines of the hospital not in her little apartment with her little table and the pleasures she’s known.

I think of the aunt that died unexpectedly waiting for her expensive skin cream to arrive any day – isn’t that better? Better than the ones who have found their way into assisted living or the nursing home where they wait out their days in Depends?

I don’t know about quality of life for the elderly – I do know they are all at our mercy and wow, I’m not sure I want to be there. Ugh.

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