Let’s just call this TGIFF with no explanation

My goal today was to take the afternoon off and go see the movie about Julia Childs only it isn’t playing in New Orleans yet. My other goal was to not work this afternoon only I had a bunch of stuff pending on my desk. I spent two good visits with mom who is frankly miserable in the hospital and wants to get out of bed, off the vent, and out of there. Well, frankly I want the same thing for her but I’m taking a deep breath and learning how to accept baby steps with zigs and zags. She’s not. Which is a good sign that she is recovering because as her muleheadedness returns, I have to believe she is improving.

Now about this afternoon, I was standing in my office on the phone and looking out at the bayou and the flotilla of ducks went by and I said to myself, self I said, fuck those ducks. But I really have no emotional energy to be upset about a duck no more than I have to even contemplate why adopting a baby is like just writing checks to one attorney after another and meanwhile what? I also don’t have the emotional energy to have my sister call from another state and tell me just how I should be caring for my mother – make her laugh, my sister informs me on the phone. Oh really?

So in the meantime, after a very long week, and an aborted afternoon off, I have only this to say to every last one of you – T G I F F.

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