Toss and turn with no return

I watched a movie last night but kept falling asleep but yet I got in bed and tossed and turned with the same thought running over and over, why does she get out of bed and fall flat on her face? Why isn’t she automatically catching herself, bracing herself? She fell with such force on her face that she shattered her cheek and forehead and nose. This is one of many falls she has taken in the last two months – so great is her impact that she looks like someone forcefully hit her with a blunt object.

A few minutes before the church bells started ringing, I woke and decided to go for the 6AM visiting time at ICU. In the groggy clarity of driving to the hospital I realized these answers just might not ever come but I have to ask them in case someone knows. Her nurse through the evening was approachable and had studied her chart. We spoke about all of the issues at hand and what could be causing the falls.

In the darkness of the room, rubbing my mother’s hand, the nurse put her hand on my shoulder and said, “I know how you feel darling. I am going through the exact same issues with my mother.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I told her.

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