Medicine in America – where do I start?

My mother’s primary care doc has sent her to see about twenty other specialists to all say the same thing to her – but hey, I feel good knowing I’m doing my part to help the doctors in New Orleans put a little more cash in their pocket. None of them are doing any good addressing what is really wrong with my mother. So this is all just a great big exercise in futility.

I went in for a procedure that my insurance company told me I had to do at 50 years of age and the hospital was packed with my doctor handling 18 other procedures like mine. I felt like I was in some retail store, with everyone carrying the same packet, wearing the same scrubs, and smiling retail smiles at me.

Obama wants to change our health care system. It’s an enormous agenda he has mapped out for us – but you know what? It wouldn’t be if anyone in the past 12 years might have addressed just one of the important issues facing the United States.

When my neighbor told me that she had not been to the doctor in three years and that she never brought her kids to the doctor and gave birth at home, I had to believe she is the smart one among us.

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