Advice to the love lorn

What do you say to your 50 year old friend when he tells you that he is fucking a woman with a fake ID – carpe diem or watch yourself? Neither, you tell him how convention has never satisfied you even though you and everyone you know seeks to have it and hold it with both hands clenched. Let’s say you love someone but you look down across maybe a decade and have a good hunch the years will not unfold in the tidy package you’d like the years delivered to you, does that stop you from following bliss right now?

My other friend S, a few years shy of 50, asked me the same question – she’s not concerned with what happens at the 55/45 equation, she’s more concerned about the 65/55 one – that gives her almost two decades to find out – seems to me she should take the plunge, no? What did Joseph Campbell mean by follow your bliss – is it right now, which will lead to all goody or is it as long as it fits into the plan and of course, then there is the which plan?

How does L expect me with three dogs in tow, actually one’s a puppy still training on the leash, on a not so hot August morning to even begin to give him advice when for the life of me I’m still digesting Rick’s cost of $725 plus $200+ in cash and how that could have bought one of those nice ceiling fans, and craving Wednesday morning when I will wake up in my bed, with one dog, alone. It is with puerile pleasure I listen in on my friends’ love entanglements because L does deserve someone to fawn over him so that he can heal but 5x in 4 days makes me think his healing path is golden, and I can hear in S’s tone that she does indeed like M – she repeats it as if to make sure she is hearing herself correctly. And L worries what his crew will think and S worries about hers but in the end knowing how it will be received only makes it that much more compelling.

“I’m just worried that I will walk into a get together with a 21 year old and people will shake their heads,” L said, adding one year to K’s actual age.

“I feel like I walk in with a man who is 5’7″ and me over 6′ with my heels and people think, he must have something,” S says, winking.

Meanwhile, hovering over the landscape of love is S and his almost $1000 fix in Rick’s champagne room with two strippers who said, “I told them it was my birthday.” And I responded I’m sure they wanted to make it “special” for you.

So August begins…

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