Super Sunday ushered in Super Summer

Summer doesn’t officially start till June 21st, but it started here in New Orleans yesterday. By the time 4:00 rolled around and we were walking down to see the Mardi Gras Indians gathering for their annual parade, the sun was so intense that we, even in hats and ice water in hand, sought shade immediately under a big oak.

Like cattle, we all stood under the canopies along the bayou. By our tree, a group of young men gathered with tambourines and began their chant/sing/dance to get the mood going. Peppered along the grassy banks of the bayou were the Indians in full regalia – young to old – they sported deep purple, bright orange, red and baby blue feather and bead costumes that were handmade or embellished for this year. How they were wearing this get up in this heat is a mystery.

We watched them parade down Orleans in mini groups, color coordinated, replete with dancing children and old men and on the periphery women of all shapes and sizes. New Orleans loves a good time.

Even in the dead of summer.

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