Finding your breath and losing your breath

I’m inclined to people, places and stuff that makes me lose my breath and I’ve always been a shallow breather. For years, I’ve heard from others that I should take yoga because I’m a whirling dervish and really need to relax, bring my energy inward, and stretch. 16 years in California and I hated every yoga class I ever took – bored me to tears – I’d much rather be swirling around a step, lifting heavy weights, or running, biking, anything other than trying to stretch and breath.

But that all changed when my back sent me out of pilates and into the arms of Michele and her style of yoga. Wow – what a difference a teacher makes. Today, I’d like to salute Michelle of Swan River Yoga, she also thankfully teaches at NOAC, and she has changed my life.

At two days shy of 50 years old, I can barely get into a teaser because of the stiffness in my back. But I’m finding my way back into my body through her challenging yet giving yoga. I almost got in a crow pose today and almost lifted myself up backwards – these have become big challenges for me.

When I look around and see what are my next steps in life, I see so transparently that my body is my friend and I’d better treat her right if I want to enjoy the next years ahead. Breathing deeply, flexing my body beyond its tight ball of a core, and balancing inside and out. These are the steps I am taking towards the next half century.

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