
Yesterday, as I slunked around the fest enjoying music upon music, I was feeling sort of melancholic. I was missing Arlene and it is coming up on the due date of Ele (now Kiyelle) and I was watching all the parents out there with their babies. I ran into a neighbor and her baby who took her first steps yesterday at the Fest, and I wasn’t necessarily having a pity party, but I felt like damn it, we’re ready for our baby. I want my little cuksom strapped to me and swaying to the gumbo of music.

And I felt it all so fleeting anyway – this raucous party of music and people dancing and my little Bean now ashes on the counter.

I ran into another neighbor later in the day who said she was sorry to hear about Arlene and I said, “Thanks, it’s been rough.” And she said, “Well, you seem to be handling it well.”


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