Yay Oprah for hosting the lesbos

I taped and watched Oprah’s segment of Women Who Leave Men for Women. But I would have given it a different title like – Women have different sexual expressions – GET OVER IT.

For years, because it applied to the rules, women have been having sex with men that was based on the single pursuit of the orgasm. Oh, and women like to come too for godsakes, it’s not that, but there is so much more to sex and intimacy that honestly I think men need to be introduced to it because there’s a lot to it that men would like as well.

I remember a moment in the act of sex with a man where I thought, I’m bored with man sex. I don’t even know where that came from – it bubbled up from deep down in my mind. I thought about it and decided it was because I had been thinking the men of my generation are being trained by porn on how to have sex. It’s such a shame because it objectifies bodies instead of personalizes. To explore your own body and your partner’s in a cascade of sensual and sexual approaches is SO MUCH MORE REWARDING than reenacting the vacancy of porn rituals. In, out, in, out, in, out, pow.

I think older men get it – those twenty years older than me who went through the 60s revolution and and the younger ones seem more enlightened, but like the women of my generation who did not learn how to do their hair from their mothers, so a lot of men in my generation have made porn their sex ed instead of having explored the art of sensuality along the way.

There is a reason that women are leaving men for women by the way; frankly, it’s not about sex though, it’s about unfettered intimacy that is downright frightening let me tell you, but beyond rewarding.

2 Responses to “Yay Oprah for hosting the lesbos”

  1. J Says:

    Unfortunately women who do this confuse the poor heteros into thinking that sexual preference is indeed a choice and not how one is born. Which indeed causes a lot of resentment.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Sorry you feel this way but I disagree 100% with your take on it. Sexuality is fluid – if you watch the show you will see that some of the women were gay all along, some fell in love with a person who happened to be a woman, and some were neutral on gender and able to fall for both. I have always been bisexual and there are gays who fall on the #6 side of the Kinsey report that get aggravated with bisexuals because then it appears to be more choice when they are pleading the case that it is what it is and can’t be helped. Actually, it’s all of the above.

    Being sexually fluid is more of a tag for what most women are – there are only a small percentage of women who are only lesbians or only hetero. In the male population it is more polarized and less middle ground.

    What is confusing anybody about this is that there should not be categories that everyone has to fall into to make it easier for everyone to understand. Confusion comes from not accepting that sexuality for most women is fluid.

    It’s not as if I haven’t loved every man I partnered with and didn’t enjoy sex but I have always been attracted to women and men and only as I went through three marriages and spent time trying to get to know myself after my last divorce did I see the world as large enough that I could fall in love with a woman and have a relationship.

    Sexual preference isn’t about choice – I prefer both sexes. Loving a person is about choice. I choose to love the woman I am with.

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