The hardest lesson to learn

Goes in the category of it is what it is but I was thinking about the things that are what they are and yet are so unsatisfactory – like knowing someone screwed you over and yet they got off scott free, or watching a friend ebb and flow through a self-induced depression, or being in your ebb when just minutes ago you were in flow, and trying to understand how to make it all better but realizing you can’t, all you can do is be.

That has been the hardest lesson I’ve learned in life.

On Facebook, everyone keeps tagging me to write the 25 random things but I think I might instead compile 50 lessons I’ve learned for my upcoming 50th birthday. This would definitely be one of the top ones.

Lesson #1 – We are helpless to change some of the things that matter to us, and the best thing we can do is to just accept that our power lies in letting some things be.

2 Responses to “The hardest lesson to learn”

  1. Trisha Says:

    I couldn’t agree more with your wisdom of Lesson #1. I’m looking forward to all 50 if you opt to share.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Working on them – May 2nd will post in honor of 50 years around the sun.

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