Missed it by a day

Wednesday that feels like Monday – a friend used the acronym – BOHICA – I’ll let you figure out what a day like that means with an acronym like BOHICA. But meanwhile, Wolfie, she is becoming more family member like – funny how that happens. Her heart worm treatment will start very soon. When she is going through it, we will have to keep her and her new found best friend Loca apart so that she doesn’t get riled while the injections are killing off the worms in her heart.

Meanwhile, on other things – three days of no exercise – a mind swirling with data – and now to find my center again.

I’m still sad about John Updike’s passing. I finished a book, which came highly recommended, by Martha Grimes, Foul Matter. So many accolades for a truly uninspired book and unimaginative writing – nothing to recommend it and I kept saying that but stubbornly reading it through to the end like I am want to do sometimes.

I left the book in the back of the airline seat and the guy sitting next to me called to me that I forgot my book and I said I left it on purpose. I have only one book I want to read right now – the Everyman edition of Rabbit by Updike – in memoriam. So sad, so missed.

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