You can’t go home

I spent sixteen long years pining for home in the relative safety of the Bay Area. I lived stupidly there, not locking my back door, not watching my back, not worried about much of anything when I was coming home late at night. A policeman told me that I was foolish, that crime seeks opportunity. And so I changed my ways.

I wanted to come home, and I did.

But what about here in New Orleans? Does crime seek opportunity? And if so, what the fuck? Are we providing this much opportunity? It’s bad pre-K, it’s bad post-K, it’s bad then good then bad again.

A neighbor writes in the Times Picayune about his own hate/love of this city and the crime. It’s worth reading.

But again, what will it take to get this city on the right track – what will it take to make peace in the streets?

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