The darkest hour is just before dawn

I was going over in my mind all the ways I am lucky as I walked through City Park this morning. The grass looks like it was mown on the bayou, in the park, on the neutral ground – seemed like a coordinated event but I know how things work here and it was more like serendipity for me returning from a trip to see everything square inch manicured and lovely.

Okay, let’s look at how my day started:
1) woke up with someone I love
2) animals were all in their usual positions
3) bayou was gorgeous
4) saw two pelicans first thing
5) healthy in mind and body
6) looked forward to my work
7) have tremendous hope for a baby

Let’s see how I went to sleep:
1) delayed flight
2) lost luggage
3) urine stench in master bath with the rugs filthy
4) Loca down 3 pounds
5) mom scared because she heard Loca’s squeak toy being stepped on in the yard an hour earlier
6) a daunting to do list awaiting
7) not one prep completed for Thanksgiving

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