Palin is a worm with lipstick

I was passing a neighbor this morning with Loca and she said, “Big night.” And I said, “I can barely watch, I loathe her so much.” Neighbor says, “Yeah, but all she has to do is not fuck up and she could win votes.”

Got back to my desk and had an email from a friend:

I am SICK of hearing how Biden has to be careful tomorrow because he’s debating “a woman”! I’ve heard it FOR WEEKS and I have yet to hear anyone, woman or otherwise, voice dissent. GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK! I find the comments insulting and condescending. You guys?

Never underestimate the simplicity of the masses – Bush was elected in this country not once, but twice – THAT SAYS A LOT.

2 Responses to “Palin is a worm with lipstick”

  1. gomez Says:

    I’ve been saying the exact same thing as your friend since the pundits started talking about how careful he has to be, how he can’t look like he’s bullying her. That is so sexist and condescending. If he can, if he’s willing, he should take the gloves off and beat the shit out of her (figuratively of course). She’s a wacko extremist, and needs to be dispensed with asap.

  2. Rachel Says:

    I so agree – why can’t he attack her (she’s ripe for the picking in my opinion – a complete idiot). I say he should come on strong without losing his cool. Obama is too much of a gentlemen when he debates – let one of them show some fire and tell the other side they are full of shit. How perfect that it would be to tell this moron how full of shit she really is.

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