See the Ball, Be the Ball

The yin and yang of yesterday is still resonating. My ATM card was lifted from under my nose at Kinko’s – the manager wanted to pay for my copies, then my coffee, then when all of that was refused she took me in her arms and hugged me. Fair enough. It worked. The social Xray in the making at Stafford Tile was flip – I responded by being a bitch. I tried to be super woman and carry the floor tiles in from the truck, I couldn’t, because I couldn’t even lift them – I demured, called J, and paid him to help me. He tried to kiss me afterwards. I refused, but paid him well for his time.

I woke this morning at 6 AM because my carpenter was calling to see if I wanted to go have coffee with him this fine morning. I said I don’t even want to be up much less having coffee.

I rode my bike and it rained. I came home and watched the rain – a good Louisiana thunderstorm – the likes of which I haven’t seen in two years. Lightning as fierce as fire, thunder as loud as elephants, and rain dousing the world. Arlene huddled close and I napped.

The carpenter woke me from my nap. This time I didn’t answer the phone.

He called again. This time to say that some folks from the West Indies are willing to clean out under the LaLa for $15/hour. They will also do insulation in the attic.

I was hoping for sleep, perchance to dream. I drank too much wine at Bacchanal last night. P is leaving for Okinawa was the occasion for the party. His ex found a new lover so she is not going to kill him anymore. I had my new Thomas Mann earrings on that I love! E was there – he told me he had a close encounter of the Fuck Face kind – blech. I told him the story – the co-opting of the name, the blog, etc. What I remember most was G talking and talking as we drove home. I told her this morning, I can’t believe she had so much to say. It’s hard to out talk me.

I can’t find my Wonder Woman book – the one S gave me a long time ago – she didn’t come, too exhausted from NY, her friend, who built a real estate empire, is watching it collapse all around her, it scared her.

Mom called, she’s scared too.

I just want my Wonder Woman book so I can write in there how I am not scared.

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