The Big Apple

I happen to like New York.

The electricity kept going out in the Can last night – and interspersed with waking knowledge that this was happening was concern for those polar bears trying to grab onto an iceberg and only getting shards – then drowning from the long distances they have to swim to get to a safe haven.

When the lights go out the Can has emergency lights that switch on – I wasn’t here for Katrina so I missed the eerie feeling of being housed in an emergency building.

I’m going to NY where they have only now digested 9/11, and leaving NO where Katrina’s toll has not been fully measured, and somewhere in the airspace between the two I will blink and think of what T said the other day that “we are moving through something here” and when I open my eyes we will be on the other side of that progression.

R said this morning “I have a good feeling this year” and I believe him, because I do too.

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