How to Dance

I’ve had people comment on my dancing before – one big black man I was dancing with at 2 in the morning in Curacao said I dance like a country girl, my brother told me one time that I have no rhythm, and of course, there are always the comments, that I’m wild. My favorite comment was when a co-worker started her own company and I was buying one of her products online, she package arrived with a handwritten note on the invoice that said, “I miss you dancing on tables.”

When I was listening to Bryan Lynch the other night, he was talking about when he was just getting started playing the trumpet, and he was trying to play with big guys, one of them walked over and said, “Just dance like you want to.”

And that my dear is the true essence of dancing – just dance like you want to – and that is how I dance – I may not hear the same beat as you, and I may not glide across the floor, but when you see me dancing, I can abso-fucking-lutely tell you that I am having the time of my life.

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