Met my match

Reason #2378 why I love T – today I was at a wine tasting and someone said they were reading my blog and I was writing about T being away and it was “so dramatic” and “so intense” and I had to laugh inside because THAT’S WHO I AM – BIG and INTENSE – and who loves me? My love slav does and she adores my intensity.

In a subsequent conversation someone was referring to a mutual friend as very typically American and I jokingly said yeah that is what I am and the same person guffawed and said no way. What is it then? We had a string of conversations with Latin and Brazilians saying they would not date an American again because they were tired of “I need my space’ or “You’re too much for me” and then I had some side conversations with friends who said, “I’m only dating Americans because I’m done feeling left out” = people, what is it?

I just wrote about how I feel more American than anything – but also I’ve written about all my men friends who have said point blank to me “Rachel, you’re too much for the average bear.”

Thank god I found a person – forget her sex, forget her national origin – let’s just say she is a person who loves my volume and knows that when I love her, I love her like a house on fire and when she is gone away from me, I miss her like “self is in mutiny” – and this is only the tip of my flame. There’s more to come – if I had my way, we’d be granted 50 years of flame on.

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