Difficult path ahead

My friends have told me about the intensity of women in love – but now I know what they mean. She’s here now – surrounding me with overwhelming feelings of joy and love and yet, very soon, she leaves for long periods of time for Europe. I’m trying to put her leaving out of my mind, but the intensity of now is coupled with the sorrow of separation – I’ll be wailing for my beasty lover on the banks of the bayou – and when I’ve gone completely mad, who will know me? Here is my horoscope today:

TaurusTaurus (4/20-5/20)

Your deepest emotions have been coming up to the surface quite a lot lately, and they will likely cause you to act in a very unpredictable manner today. But the good thing is, whatever dramas you stir up are dramas that need to be stirred up. So don’t hold back if you feel the tears or the laughter coming on! Have the courage to start those conversations that don’t happen every day. You know — the ones where real progress can be made between you and someone you love. 

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