Everything has an expiration

Do you know someone who has had a challenging life? You think why her and not him? We are all born with amnesia but more than likely this person was standing in line when they gave out assignments and she raised her hand and said, “I want to be challenged!” Perhaps her previous life she was like a house cat, sitting around waiting for something to happen.

But she decides to take on a bigger assignment with challenges that come large, come small, but always come and always stand out like a red eyed beast ready to dismantle with the swipe of a hand what she has just created.

Sound familiar?

Over two decades my life has not been about winning; it’s been about losing. Yes, I do believe I was the one in the front row saying “Ooooo Oooo” I’ll take that adventure when they were handing out assignments for the next incarnation. The life where there are way many epiphanies and ah ha moments, and too many times where that smug smile gets twisted and contorted into “Oh No Oh No” and then off to a new adventure.

A friend who is a social worker said there is a degree in social work that allows you to take classes on Saturdays. I said I’m interested. What? Well, why not? I’m no longer chasing the brass ring where I return to the financial comfort of a career – that expired – I spent the last nine years chasing that fantasy but there has been no magic portal opening up allowing me reentry. So I’m here to be of service. I believed it was the 100 Men Hall, but maybe it’s something else. As I said on a Zoom life coaching call the other day – I’m open, receptive, flexible.

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