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Yesterday, I went to New Orleans to pick up Tin and was surprised by how many people were out and about. City Park was chock a block full of blankets with more than a few people on each one. I went to the feed store to get Stella’s food and kept trying to walk down the aisle alone, but this woman had come in and kept popping up and I was desperately trying to avoid her. I was wearing gloves.

Next, I went to the grocery story in search of raw horseradish – I’m making my own Fire Cider. I had been sick since January 3rd and have been using many different holistic therapies (Fire Cider, elderberry tinture, salt water gargle, hot lemon and honey teas) since I wasn’t getting better. What happened was my TSH levels spiked and I didn’t know this till I went to see my doctor a week ago. It means my thyroid production had decreased so she had to up my synthetic dose. What came first, my illness or my TSH levels increasing – hard to say.

After the COVID-19 pandemic was announced, people began avoiding me like I was Patient 0. I can’t pinpoint how I got unsick after so long, but I’m convinced the Vitamin D from taking Tin to the beach instead of school on Friday before they shut down the schools helped me turn things around. I am still sunburned from that day.

Now, I’m worried about New Orleans, my friend text me that a San Francisco doctor told her New Orleans numbers are about to blow up because for every one positive there are 800 infected. So with 800 now identified as positive – could that mean there are 640,000 infected? That’s more than the city’s population! Another friend sent an email saying a New Orleans Parish Prison staff member just tested positive. There are 900 people crammed in that prison right now.

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