Just the way you are

I woke this morning charged with a new challenge – accepting myself just the way I am.

Today, I will no longer critically speak to myself in [Louise] whispers about how I need to lose 17 lbs or else I am doomed to be that overweight, aging woman whose curves used to be meaningful and are now just shameful.

Today, I will not pummel myself for not having finished the book I started writing a year and a half ago because in fact, I’m starting a writer’s workshop next week and look forward to my lone efforts being supported by other writers.

Today, I will not bemoan food. I will not begrudge gluten. I will not descry cow milk. I will not rail against soy. I will not try to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water.

Today, I will not be looking for love, instead I will be loving myself, tenderly, sweetly, crazily, and justly. I love you, Rachel, is my mantra of the day.

Today, I will accept my debt, which is less than the cost of an expensive car and take pride in owning my home and truck.

Today, I will not beat myself up as a bad mother, but instead will relish being an older mother who has a more adjusted view of the outcome of childhood than my younger peers who are trying desperately to get it right(er) for their children. I know that any way it turns out is right(est).

Today, I will not worry about my life’s work, because every day I am working at my life, whether that be work I do to pay bills, work I do to change the world, or work I do to make sure the house is in some state of clean, it’s all work, and it’s all good.

Today, I will meditate because I always have time for a 15-minute check on my talking heads.

Today, I will not bemoan the weather, but will be thankful for the rain.

Today, I will simply be.

Don’t go changing to try to please me. Rachel, I love you, just the way you are.

Open you arms to the wonder that is your gift today.


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