Ain’t life funny

I was emailing with a friend from San Francisco who I haven’t spoken with in a while. In describing our lives, she made the comment, “Isn’t life funny, when you say you can’t handle something, sure enough that is what life gives you.”

To prove you wrong.

We were speaking about being a single parent, but this goes for just about everything. Yesterday, I was speaking to someone about my finances and the person said, “I need to know I have money in the bank to pay my bills before I can relax.”

I’ve learned to do the faith walk on finances among other things.

Is life funny? I guess it can be, and is, a lot of times, but sometimes I am not looking at the humorous side of events. Sometimes, I am just thinking my cup is half empty – hey, it happens even to Pollyannas like myself. Sometimes I’m wondering what’s it all about and why do I feel like I’m circling the drain.

I do, though, want to believe, that when the giant flush happens I go down on my back saying WHEEEE. But sometimes, it’s okay to be mired in gloomy, because it makes those rays of light so much more profound when you see them.

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