The Leap

Aren’t we all waiting to take that big leap into the abyss? Come on, the thought has crossed your mind. I feel that is what I’ve done. I let someone come into my life who I knew was just passing through and sometimes it feels overwhelming, sometimes it feels just right, sometimes it feels manic.

But mostly it feels refreshingly new. For me, at least. Here are two people attracted to each other who do not have to do anything but enjoy that simple fact – because it’s rare at a certain age – and because it’s precious.

I’ve walked down the aisle three times and each time, at the threshold, I felt a noose tighten around my neck. This has no noose. It has no tendrils. Its only prescription is to enjoy. It’s sort of like a day on the beach that is magical. It may not be the same kind of day tomorrow, but you can really dig your toes into the hot sand and listen to the crashing waves right now and suspend time.


The heart’s desire is ephemeral and loyal – those who make it in, don’t easily find their way out, but then why would they want to?

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