When Self-Medication Goes Awry

Tuesday last week, I woke with a thunk – the sound of me going down big time in this whatever it is I have – Tuesday night C called and said she had just been to the doctor and had the same thing and I needed to take antibiotics. So I found some Amoxicillin that I had from when I had gotten an infection on my newly operated toe – because my then newfound puppy had bitten it – and started taking those. I kept getting worse. Last night, I was telling everyone how bad I still feel and there were two nurses in the room and turns out I have been taking an antibiotic for a skin infection this whole time.

Who knew? Well, I didn’t.

Between two people there they had the equivalent of a ZPack which has six pills – two the first night and then one a day to knock it out. I took two last night and the headache that has been like a vice grip around my waking moments finally eased back a few notches. Perhaps by Thanksgiving, I can resume my healthy life.

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