Does Not Suffer Idleness Well

I’m growing dark – this is day 11 of my injury. Everything was full steam ahead – I had gone to have the massage that got my piriformis muscle back in alignment and had been walking Stella daily for 45 minutes to an hour and so I was so gunho I joined Swan River Yoga Studio and took my first yoga class in a while (maybe a year). I was back on track to health and fitness. Yay! It was all good.

And then …

I went to my second yoga class, which again was a hip opener class, and I didn’t feel it then, but the next morning couldn’t get out of bed without incredible pain. I felt like someone had put a vice grip on my right hip and that night I was scheduled to go dancing. I took some advil and decided to go dancing as it might help me overcome this muscle lock. And sure enough, it did not, I woke the following day almost paralyzed.

So now I had a dog who was used to walks who is idle, and me idle, and my hip in an uber vice and now what?

Just when you think it is safe to make plans and pat yourself on the back for how well things are lining up – you get sideswiped. Why am I sitting here paralyzed on the sofa with an ice pack when I should be walking to the park? What is the growth on my thyroid – should I worry, should I not? Why is it that I just got some extra money and suddenly everything needs fixing including the dog?


How to stay on point?

I do not suffer idleness well at all. This might be why I’m supposed to lay down and I can’t? I’m not even sure if you are supposed to rest, move or scream. I’m reaching for zen direction and all I can foster is this – every day you have to reinvent yourself – I’m a woman who gets up and walks and trains her dog for an hour to I’m a woman trying to figure out how to deal with an injury. These things happen lickety split with no warning. And my job is to remain scrappy and not be pulled down under life’s seemingly endless tsunamis.

Keep on walking, there is nothing to learn here:


2 Responses to “Does Not Suffer Idleness Well”

  1. MUDD Says:

    Healing Light beaming from MTL to NOLA — embrace your idle time!!!

    Doctor Mudd 😉

  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks doc – I’m trying to relax into idle because railing against it is not getting me anywhere but a headache (not to mention a pain in my arse).

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