What will they call my child? Me?

The new generation is called Boomerang before them were the Millennials, and there was Gen-X, and every generation has been defined by some overarching theme. What will Tin’s generation be called? Hard to say, there is still so much to find out about them.

For now I still grapple with what to call us, should I say I’m an older mom or is that fact self-evident? Why do people assume I’m a single mother? What is it about the way Tin looks that makes people think he was not born in the U.S.? Shouldn’t the fact that I’m white, Jewish, over 50, and bald with a 5 year old African American son have it’s own category?

There is no definition that fits us exactly, and so we just go on about our business. The daily life of waking up and feeding the dogs, making breakfast, seeing friends, working and playing, washing clothes, and going to bed – thankful.

In my bathroom:
Tin: “Why do you have two sinks?”
Me: “When I have a partner, they might want their own sink.”
Tin: “Wait. I thought I was your partner?”

In my bedroom:
Tin: “I like pretty girls.”
Me: “And I like you.”
Tin: “You’re not pretty. You don’t have any hair.”
Me: “Well that hurts my feelings.”
Tin: “Awww, but you’re my partner, right?”

In the car:
Tin: “I’m in love and I’m going to marry the coach of the Shrimps.”
Me: “What’s her name?”
Tin: “I don’t know, but we’re in love and we are engaged and going to get married.”
Me: “You might want to ask her her name.”
Tin: “We’re having a pool party wedding.”

In the pool:
Tin: “I love Khemi and I’m going to marry her.”
Me: “Did you dump Coach Telly?”
Tin: “What’s dump mean?”
Me: “Break up with.”
Tin: “Yep, I dumped her.”

In the kitchen:
Tin: “Mommy look what I found! A ring for my girlfriend!”
Me: “Which one? Khemi or Coach Telly?”
Tin: “Telly. I’ll bring it to her tomorrow.”
Me: “Lucky her.”


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