Friends and Prophets

I told a friend I’m mystified by the unavailable men who keep popping up in front of me. Like the one yesterday who told me “I’m bringing you my truth” about being married. I had asked the universe to bring me a partner who could bring truth and accept mine.

My friend’s response:

Oh lord. Well, a wise woman once told me, ‘getting what you want often begins with saying no to what you don’t want.’ It’s a spiritual challenge.

For my friends, I’m grateful.

3 Responses to “Friends and Prophets”

  1. Mudd Says:


    Explains why I’m still waiting: busy saying no to SO MANY things and people.

    Thanks for filling my soul with beautiful “stuff,” Rachel.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – remember to tell the universe that you are open and ready to receive. And isn’t it great to have clarity to know when to say no?

  3. Mudd Says:

    Yes and YES.

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