The inner child

In the midst of an argument over having or not having children, I called my husband “dad” – how Freudian can you go?

After complimenting his outfit on his way to a job he subconciously did not want, he lashed out at me to stop complimenting him – hello, 2 year old!

My sister says to me about my mom, “she was only trying to . . .” – is it true that mom loves her more than me? – hello, entire childhood!

Everytime you think you have made the hump and gotten to adulthood – that little child rears its baggage and hurls it at you at the most inconvenient of times.

And today a headline from the NYT:

10-Year-Old With Matches Started a California Wildfire
The Buckweed fire spread quickly, driving 15,000 people from their homes, destroying 21 houses and 22 other buildings.

And I think: all that damage that we know about, and we haven’t even gotten to his personal relationships.

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